More ground shots of the Windmill Hill formation!

This one (above) shows the flow direction of the wheat starting clockwise from the center, then changing direction and going counter clockwise out to the edge! Lets see you debunkers do that! This circle was over 50 feet in diameter.

This is one of the smaller circles farther down the "Tail" of the Windmill Hill Triple Julia! There were over 120 of these through out the formation, notice that the wheat is laid down in gentle overlapping bands. Some of these were spun clockwise whilst others were counterclockwise!

If one were to try to hoax this, remember first you'd have to get the mathematical dimensions right ( no small feat-just look at the aerial shot!) then you would have to make each circle precise and gently laid down, NOT mashed down, like a Doug and Dave Fake! Then when your all done, don't forget to "Charge" the entire formation with some sort of measurable magnetic field! And don't get caught!

When one starts to look at ALL the individual FINE details (and I have only touched on a few, there were many in this formation) the idea that people could have done this gets smaller, and smaller , until you either go into denial or you come to the conclusion that something truly extraordinary is taking place, worthy of world wide attention and serious scientific investigation.

If you would like to see more of my "fine toothed" coverage into this and other formations I studied and photographed this year, please send me a quick E-Mail saying so, and I will make the time to do so here at this location of the web site.

All the best! Ernie...

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